Modi - The Journey and references. The 6 years, 1 Year and last 3 months
Lets Accept the fact that our country never had a plan before 2014. For sure not between 1984 to 2014. Even if it had any, it included the fake Gandhi Family as its torch bearers, Which was as good as not having a plan. When in 2013 Narendra Modi's was announced as PM candidate by BJP . He was about to carry forward the legacy of two of India's stalwarts, Atalji and Advani ji. Stalwarts who rose to lead the country purely on thier hardwork and Merit on not because they had a powerful Surname. The Country never had a plan, because the best plan that leaders leading the country before 2014 was anybody with a Gandhi name. That was the Plan. making India Secular, Socialist country in 1975 that was the Plan. greebi hatao launched in 1971 Population control in 75 That was the plan in 1984, 1991 everytime It Didnt work . As there was no plan. Only in 2014 When Narednra Modi was elected with absolute majority , to lead. thi...