
The New World Order After Covid and Ukraine Russia

Its time for Bharat to learn its lessons from Pandemic and Ukraine Russia Fight  1. No Developed Country will come to the Aid of Developing Countries. 2. The New world order will ensure that Glocalisation is the new Buzz world. 3. First Manufacture, Grow, Create for your Countrymen , Export the Surplus. 4. Reduce dependency exclusively on Global Supply chains. 5.Reduce financial dependency on the developed World, Specially NATO , Essentially Europe and North America. In Theory or in our Belief, The Global network works on demand and supply, need and wants . But the Reality always was,  the Global businesses based out of Europe and Americas controlled the Global business Channels. from Finance pinned to Dollar to Swift, Internet, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Twitter. all are bound by US laws, Not any Global regime, Law, International court of Body.  Twitter decided to Ban US president. Game Over. US decided to Cut Swift, Game over. Today FB, Google, MS , Twitter decided Ru...

स्वर्णिम युग की शुरुआत

भारत ने ओलिम्पिक में स्वर्ण पदक जीता है । किसी track and Field event में  पहली बार  भारत ने हॉकी में कांस्य पदक जीता , लगभग 40 साल के बाद  भारतीय महिला हॉकी टीम पहली बार प्रथम चार तक आयी । क्या ये सब होनी है ? या इस होने के पीछे कुछ राज़ है ?  क्या हुआ ऐसा 6 साल में । और खेल मात्र एक सूचक हैं परिवर्तन का, आने वाले युग परिवर्तन है । एक व्यवस्था में आमूल चूल परिवर्तन करने का परिणाम है ये स्वर्ण । जिस व्यवस्था का कलमाड़ीकरन कर दिया गया था, उस व्यवस्था के मोदिकरण का परिणाम है ये स्वर्ण । हम सबने देखा था जब देश common wealth games के भ्रष्टाचार पर दिल्ली में शर्मिंदा हुआ था । वो जो करोड़ो तक लूट कर किसी के घर जाते थे, आज को खिलाड़ियों के काम आ रहे हैं, इसका परिणाम है ये सारे पदक । 10 खिलाड़ी और 25 अफसर, परिवार सहित 1 महीने के दौरे पर जाते थे, खिलाड़ियों के पास सामान नहीं और ये निकम्मे भ्रस्ट राजनैतिक अफसर पांच सितारा होटलों में शराब उड़ाते थे, उस व्यवस्था करने का परिणाम 

अफगानिस्तान से सीख भारत के लिए 2021 में

भारत के लिए अफ़ग़ानिस्तान में हुआ परिवर्तन एक नही अनेक संदेश लेकर आता है । सिकंदर , कुषाण, हुन, आदि के काल से पोरस, से लेकर महाराजा रणजीत सिंह के समय और पिछले दो सौ सालों के भी अगर हम इतिहास देखें तो अफ़ग़ानिस्तान और खयबेर पख्तूनख्वा अखंड भारत की उत्तर पश्चिम ढाल थी । जिस आक्रांता ने हिंदुकुश पर कर लिया उसके लिए सिंधु नदी एक मात्र अवरोध बचता था । भारत को खंडित करने के पीछे शायद यही मंशा थी अंग्रेजों की , की भारत का पश्चिमी द्वार सदा आक्रान्ताओ के लिए खुला रहे । आज के परिपेक्ष में अगर देखें तो तालिबान नहीं, चीन, रूस और अमेरिका असली आक्रांता है । अफ़ग़ान, पश्तून, उज़बेक लड़ाकों की शक्त, भगौलिक क्षमता, कबिलिया मतभेद तो इन लोगों ने कभी मुजाहिद, कभी तालिबान , अलकायदा , इसिस के रूप में इस्तेमाल किया । पाकिस्तान की भूमिका इसमे सिर्फ उतनी ही है, जितनी कैकयी, शकुनि की रामायण महाभरत में थी ।  तो ये हैरानी की बात नहीं ये दोनों इतिहासिक लोग इसी क्षेत्र से आते थे । धर्म की ज़हर और विदेशी मदद से भारत के इस टुकड़े ने भारत के टुकड़े करने के लिए अमेरिका का टट्टू बनना स्वीकार किया, और अमेरिका ने इसका इस्तेमाल ...

Lessons from COVID Crisis TO Build Better Bharat

 We cannot keep creating Doctors , Engineers, Healthcare workers  to serve the world. This Crisis has exposed a very old known deficiency of our Education system . We have been creating layered Manpower with the creme going to serve the world after using India's Premium Education Infra created from Tax payers money like IIT,  IIM, medical colleges etc.  Our Best Brains need to be held back mandatorily. We ae not here to Grow and Groom Best doctors, Engineers, Scientists , Lawyers for the world.  They need to serve India First, if they are getting educated using Taxpayers Money. Seats at IIT and Govt medical Institutions cost Crores. Like Armed Forces. All people being trained on govt cost should be under Oath , to Serve the People of India through Certified Govt projects. Healthcare projects Infrastructure Projects R&D projects. They will Intern for 5 years, after completing education  post which The best will be absorbed . They can Write off thier Loan...

Swatantra Bharat @ 75

As Bharat gets ready for celebrating 75 years of independence. It's time to reflect on this journey and also the journey that got us to 1947 date. 75 years + 90 years from 1857 to 1947 .  This is good time to put on record the lessons as worlds biggest democracy. It's time to take pause , make amends and break completely from the shackles of British Raj Hangover and colonial common wealth Mindset. Bharat needs to rebuild itself for this century basis it's roots of knowledge led culture on pre mughal times. An era where education and knowledge to all was the key . Global exchange of knowledge was the mantra for centuries. Where invaders looted many times , but couldn't deplete the country .. The Britishers looted the country and created structures in society that suited their evangelist and exploitative designs .  It's 75 years..  Now is the time to Think of SwaTantra and SwaRaj in new light. Are we ready for Swa Tantra . Our own System ?? Our own legal System  Our O...

Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat - IQ, EQ, MQ

Most people understand IQ. It's an intelligence quotient. Your score in School , college , entrance tests for engineering, medical , GMAT, SAT , TOEFL decides your IQ.  Many bhartiyas have a good IQ by international standards . But is that truly intelligence or just information processing ,now even knowledge .  Should we rephrase IQ as KQ or Knowledge Quotient . Which means how you process the information and put to use .  Let's ponder. EQ is your emotional Quotient . Emotion is it sympathy or empathy?  Is it about caring ? Caring about whom ? Self people,family, nature, colleagues , community.  Is it a score or Grade. Having a feeling or emotion about something is good enough ?  How does EQ help in your professional life 

The Road to Economic Recovery - Empower to Grow MPower

23% drop in Q1 GDP. That's a dangerous touch down. But the fact remains Bharat was one of the first countries to go for complete lockdown and that too 2/3rd of Q1 was complete stand still.. It's easy to Shut down something but difficult to start and very difficult to restart . But Bharat as a country as a culture is known for its resilience .  When the loot of NadirShah to British to congress couldn't stop us from coming back again and again and again . How can this covid stop us ? But the Government has to ensure that the builders , rebuilders, the businesses are supported . The farmers are supported or atleast not harrased by Government departments . The ease of doing business myth has to become a reality . The GST , EPF departments along with permissions , clearances , approvals are pain. Naya Bharat will work in anew culture in a new way..And Govt officials , the corrupt ones are standing in the way. Every department is hell bent in harassing anyone who is willing to st...